Active 10 app helps Adults get Active this Summer
Did you know that walking briskly for just 10 continuous minutes counts as exercise, and summer is the perfect time to be more active. A brisk 10 minute walk every day is a great excuse to get outside and improve your health.
Each 10 minute burst of exercise is known as an “Active 10”.
Brisk walking is simply walking quicker than usual at a pace that gets your heart pumping.
Start with a 10 minute brisk walk a day and then see if you can gradually build up to more.
You could walk part of your journey home, pop to the shops on foot, or get some fresh air in the evening sunshine. No gym memberships, no brightly coloured Lycra. Just 10 minutes and you!
It's easier than you think to fit into your day with the Active 10 walking tracker app!
The free Active 10 walking tracker app takes away the guesswork. It shows how much brisk walking you're doing and how you can do more. It's easy to use and helps you set your goals for the day.
Join the 600,000 people who have downloaded the Active 10 app and get walking to a healthier you.
Available on Android and iOS.
For more details, visit the Active 10 website.
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